Friday, January 19, 2007

Agent55 just launched

Hey hey, my first blog ever, so please bear with me.. :)

My name is Goran Johansson, I run a small company in Sweden called Awesume Interactive and the 17th of Janaury 2007 we released a site that we have been working on for about 2-3 months.

The site is called agent55 ( and is a so called meta search engine, that means that it has no own search engine, but sends out requests to other search engines on the web and shows the results in two different views. Hard to explain, easier to try out. We have added about 15 different search-categories and more will be added with time. The categories at launch was: The Web, Images, Videos, Mp3/Audio, Shopping, Photos, Directories, Software, Subtitles and Bit-torrents. We also have a localized version of agent55 that is called Agent55 Sweden that searches only local swedish sites, such as best price, jobs, news, phone numbers etc.

I have put down quite a lot of work to make this site tick with all of the three big browsers, namely: Internet Explorer(6 & 7), Firefox(2+), Opera (9) and as any webdeveloper know DHTML together with the three musketeers (?) is a great hassle...

My thoughts with this blog is to inform you a little about the background of this site (and me) and also what is happening and what is gonna happen at the site, I can promise you that I have a lot of ideas for this site if it turns out well...

If you want you can visit the site, try it out a bit and give me your reactions.

Enough for now, More will come soon.

Best regards

Goran Johansson

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